CHERP Fellowships
CHERP is committed to training and mentoring future health services researchers and supports numerous training programs at many levels. CHERP sponsors postdoctoral training programs in Addiction Research and Treatment, Medication Safety and Pharmaceutical Outcomes, Patient Safety, Women's Health, and the National Clinician Scholars Program (NCSP). These postdoctoral training programs are all supported by the VHA Office of Academic Affiliations and focus on developing the next generation of VHA leaders in health services research, QI, patient safety, and other high-priority areas.
Addiction Research and Treatment (VAPHS; Co-Directors: Karin Daniels, PhD and Ted Park, MD). The goal of this post-graduate, interdisciplinary training program for clinical investigators is to develop VHA leaders in addiction treatment, research, and partnered evaluation. Fellows receive mentored research training in interdisciplinary clinical learning environments across the VHA continuum of care. They develop competencies in leadership, partnered interdisciplinary addiction research, and interprofessional addiction treatment that is aligned with the priorities of the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
Medication Safety and Pharmaceutical Outcomes (VAPHS; Co-Directors: Carolyn Thorpe, PhD and Fran Cunningham, PharmD). This fellowship was established in 2016 as an innovative partnership between CHERP and the National Center for Medication Safety (VAMedSAFE), to prepare independent pharmacy practitioners to conduct pharmacoepidemiologic and outcomes research and systematic QI analyses. Currently, this program is co-directed by leaders from CHERP, VAMedSAFE, and the VAPHS Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center.
Patient Safety (VAPHS, Director: Jamie Estock, MS; CMCVAMC, Director: Helene Moriarty, PhD, RN). These independent interprofessional fellowship programs at VAPHS and CMCVAMC provide post-residency trained physicians and postdoctoral or post-master’s degree trained professionals with in-depth education in patient safety practice and leadership. VA Patient Safety fellows focus on developing the knowledge and skills necessary to lead administrative patient safety efforts within a healthcare system. The VAPHS National Center for Patient Safety-sponsored fellowship focuses on human factors in healthcare, and the CMCVAMC program focuses on simulation approaches in patient safety.
Women’s Health (VAPHS; Director: Sonya Borrero, MD, MS). This interdisciplinary training program supports individuals in developing research careers that will contribute to VHA’s core mission of delivering high-quality, sex-specific care to women Veterans. Fellows participate in individualized, mentored research and clinical training, combined with a curriculum that emphasizes research methods, statistics, epidemiology, QI methods, education, and service delivery. Focus areas include health equity, contraceptive access, maternal mortality, sexually transmitted infections, patient-provider communication, patient-centered outcomes, and intimate partner violence.
National Clinician Scholars Program (NCSP; Associate Director and VHA Liaison: Marilyn Schapira, MD, MPH). This Penn-based interdisciplinary training program prepares physician and nurse scholars to become change agents and health system leaders. Consistent with CHERP’s mission, the NCSP focuses on advancing health equity, eliminating health disparities, and testing new models of healthcare delivery. The VHA’s Office of Academic Affiliations supports a selected number of VA-based NCSP fellows each year; most are mentored by CHERP investigators.
The training sites and contact information for VA Advanced Fellowships are found on the VA Office of Academic Affiliations website.